2021 is well underway. Clean slate, new year, new opportunities, and of course new watches. But before we get to any of that, during December we wanted to spread some cheer after what a was rubbish year for us all, people were nominated to win Jump Over The Moon watches and we gave two of them away.
This is the story of one of the winners.....
Nominated by his son Jake, throughout lockdown 1.0 Dave cared for his mum (Jake’s Nan) spending every afternoon with her, making food and helping with whatever she needed while like many people across the country also working from home.
Lockdown 1.0 was a huge shock to everyone’s system and as a former chef Dave, who still enjoys cooking, wanted to support his family and wider circle of friends, and create a reason for everyone to talk and come together.
Buying stacks of ingredients and between looking after his mum and working, he cooked curries, stews, chillies and more, which he would then dish out into containers and deliver to the doorsteps of family and friends, earning himself the nickname ‘Davearoo’ (after the fast-food delivery company, at one point Dave was doing three deliveries a week of more than 25 meals. A WhatsApp family group was set up and they’d enjoy Davearoo’s food together in virtual dinners.
Sadly, in September 2020, after fighting a long-term illness Jake’s nan (Dave’s mum) passed away. Still under Covid rules, working and grieving, Davearoo kept on making and delivering food. In Jake’s own words, ‘It’s been a terrible year for everyone, but at least for us, my dad Dave has been a beacon of light and has done so much for us all’.
Jake thank you for the nomination and Davearoo, enjoy your new watch and keep on bringing people together through the power of food.